XO Physical Therapy
XO Physical Therapy has grown with CODESM and, now that they are the leading location for physical therapy in the Rio Grande Valley, they still choose us to provide cohesive online and traditional marketing services for all of their locations.
Flexible Approach
As XO Physical Therapy has expanded over the years, and as marketing channels have changed, our full service marketing plan has had to adapt to current trends. Throughout these changes, we have leveraged years of expertise and advanced techniques to create a rich brand that targets the correct audiences.
Strategy & Planning
Strategy and planning are the foundation of our flexible approach and ability to keep up with current trends.
For XO Physical Therapy, this plan integrated all online and offline channels where their target audiences were spending time. This meant creating online ads like Google ads and display ads, as well as traditional marketing approaches like sales collateral and signage. We also created and implemented a cohesive social media plan, leveraging experienced social media management to make sure that XO’s brand and image were accurately reflected through their online presence.
Tracking & Analytics
Our unique approach included tracking the performance of those efforts at a granular and customizable level. To that end, we provided XO with access to our custom CRM solution that created transparent and streamlined insights into the management of leads through every stage of the sales funnel.
We also used other enterprise-level tools to track the progress of every marketing effort, deliver accurate reports, and make ongoing improvements to our marketing efforts.
Client: XO Physical Therapy